My name is Casey Fitzpatrick and I have managed to get myself a ridiculous nick name, C Murder, that makes me sound a lot tougher than I probably am. The origins of it are actually rather mundane so the details will be spared (suffice to say that I was lined up to become DumpTruck but an intervention by the famed BillDozer prevented such an unfortunate moniker).
I work somewhat, or rather sometimes, as a messenger in Portland, I recently declared myself president of the Portland United Messenger Association which was a controversial and hardly believed sort of action, and I also go to college for a useless piece of paper that confirms my great ability to read and write about books (also known as a B.A. in English). Despite this sort of training I am still not so great at spelling or grammar which is sort of pathetic but will be blamed by me on society and the lackluster concern with education in general by all levels of the academic ladder. Other than that there is not much to relate. I will try and come up with something interesting and see how this goes but for now this is all I got. I mean it took a bit just to figure out how to set this up so give me a bit of slack. Mostly I just felt that it would be good if someone other than Dabby had a blog for others to read. He really shouldn't be the voice of Portland messengers. If you've met him you would understand. This has become a common motivation for me as of late. So I'll try not to disappoint you all, especially you, Ryan.

P.S: I just finished watching a crazy guy pace around the library for about 15 minutes. Have you ever noticed the crazy person calculating that happens sometimes? When they talk to themselves and punch at what looks like a large invisible calculator in the air? Sometimes they end up pleased with the results and other times it seems whatever imaginary sum spit out by their imaginary calculations really doesn't meet expectations. Either way it seems to be an interesting character trait that has developed in a number of people around town. Keep an eye out for it because it is surprisingly captivating (what are they figuring out? Tax deductions? How many pixies they are seeing? Their body mass index?). Just something I noticed while posting this mindless drivel. Talk to you all soon and feel free to send in your opinions and comments (most of which I assume will implore me to cease such a venture).
Thanks, C. Murder, I enjoyed it. Be sure to keep posting though, I want something new every other day at least. In fact please allow me to suggest some topics for future posts :
"An open letter to John Canzano"
"a comparison of Portland polo players and current and former NBA players"
"an essay on how messenger events are being ruined by non-messengers and what I plan to do about it"
Just a few ideas and I have more if you want them. Thanks for arranging all those free pitchers last night, that was cool.
regards, R. Kelley
You have a blog?
declaration of presidency? SWEET!
c-murds... already a cultural icon
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