I know this seems ridiculous but it has become a major issue lately for me as I try and take opinions and figure out what exactly we are doing this year. So in trying to keep with some of these issues I have decided to take a subjective viewpoint as to who is eligible for prizes and how the weekend will run. Non messengers will not be eligible for prizes. I know there are a lot of folks who don't work but who are still massively important to the community (Ken comes to mind; I myself work only part-time these days), and like I said it might get a bit subjective but that is how the proverbial cookie crumbles. Also, I am trying desperately to get the few women working downtown to participate in the planning, many of whom have worked for a number of years and have often felt either unwelcome or uncomfortable at various times during these events. I understand not everyone wants to race and that each person has a different personality but it is very important to me to get everyone who works downtown engaged and interested in the weekend. To many old timers feel alienated or at least disinterested in the whole thing and I think it has a lot to do with the sort of track bike circus that has sprung up all over town along with the fact they have planned this thing for awhile now and don't get very excited.
These things are important. More so than how big the parties are gonna be and if our pictures are in magazines. I am working on writing up a more formal sort of manifesto that will articulate all this far better but I wanted to post something and this was on my mind. Let me know what you think so far and believe me I am trying desperately not to be a jerk but as Meghan and Ryan told me today "You already crossed that bridge awhile back". Well...oh well.

Hugs and kisses,
P.S: Draft day tomorrow. Let's hope for something amazing. I am going to vomit all over myself in excitement. Blazers number one!